I love hexagons!

For so long, I have been wanting to attempt a hexagon quilt.  I am not sure what about hexagons intrigue me…but they do.  So…last year when I ran into some charm packs on sale at Craftsy, I knew that it would be the right fabric for my hexagons!  2013-01-22 18.44.05

I just love this fabric!  It’s Curiosities by Nancy Halvorson for Benartex.  So…last night I decided to break out my hexi template and start cutting.

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At first, I thought “Oh wow, this is gonna take me forever.” And because I am a new quilter (sort of) I didn’t think that charm packs are probably not the best cut of fabric for hexagons.  But whatever.  I ended up cutting them in stacks….and I cut 4 charm packs (40 pieces each).

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I love this fabric!

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160 hexies cut!

And because I am crazy about not wasting anything, I saved the itty bitty scrap pieces.

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My friend Melissa, who I talked about in the great big friendship blog, and who is super creative herself, has agreed to make a ticker tape canvas for my bathroom.  I got the idea from Crazy Mom Quilts blog post, which you can see here.

Also, I have put together (finally) my list of UFOs, WIPs, and upcoming projects.


*Gabby’s quilt

*Mom’s star quilt

*My winterscape quilt

*Crazy Daisy quilt

*Americana quilt


*Moda honey bun #scrappytripalong

*Regular size #scrappytripalong

*Hexagon quilt

*Ticker Tape canvas

*granny square afghan


*Scrapper’s Delight from Sunday Morning Quilts (you can see it in this blog post)

*Postage Stamp quilt in pink/aqua/yellow

Linking up to Freshly Pieced.

Keep Simply Delighting!

Wednesday’s WIP Update!

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Last night I began cutting strips for my #scrappytripalong quilt.  I started one this weekend with a Moda honey bun (that is 1 inch strips).  I am still planning on making a 2 inch quilt too.  Soooo, last night I started cutting strips.  I want to get all the strips cut from the fabric I have thus far, and then start sewing.  I am not sure how many strips I have, but I am really excited about the fabric and how it’s going to turn out!  Here is a picture of my stack of strips:

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I still have a lot of fabric to cut yet, and this stack isn’t cut into the 16 inch strips, just 2 1/2 inch strips of varied lengths.  I can’t wait to get them all cut so I can see what I have.

Also, I found a really awesome other scrappy quilt that I want to make over at Quilting and Other Craft Therapy.  It’s a string block quilt, and I know I have a lot of string strips!  Also, I have been inspired to start looking for a used in good condition more advanced sewing machine.  Mine just doesn’t have the capabilities that I need or want.

So, here are my projects I am working on:

*Moda honey bun #scrappyquiltalong quilt

*#scrappyquiltalong quilt

*My Mom’s queen size quilt

*Granny square project.

That’s it!  I am linking up to Freshly Pieced.

As always, keep Simply Delighting!

Love in the Mail!

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Don’t you just love getting stuff in the mail???  I know I do.  And this week, I received two great packages.  First was a pack of scraps from Pink Chalk Fabrics.  Debbie from A Quilter’s Table recommend to check them out for scrap packs, and I did.  I was not disappointed when I received my pack from them!!!  It was very reasonable and there was a lot of fabric in the pack and they are beautiful.

Today, I received a package from Debbie herself with 2 ziploc bags full of fabric scraps!  I feel so blessed.  What a generous package of scraps to work with on my #scrappytripalong quilt.  Thank you Debbie for being so thoughtful.

Also, I feel like I have been having a creative block because I just can’t get together an idea of what I want to do quilting wise this year.  Nothing seems appealing, except the scrappytripalong.  I realized this morning–everything I had been working on the last quarter of 2012 was in rush mode.  I was so busy from October on that I never had a chance to enjoy the process or time I spend quilting.  Well…I decided this morning that even if it takes a year to do a scrappy quilt, or a month to quilt up my Mom’s quilt, I am just going to enjoy the time.  So…I am going to get a bunch of projects cut and then start working on them.  There are no deadlines to get things done (so far) and I want to slow down and enjoy something I started as a hobby, but then turned it into what I do with everything else…hurry hurry rush rush get it done so I can move on to the next thing.

On a side note, I did figure out how/what I am going to do with my granny squares.  I have the project drawn out and know how many granny squares I need…like 420 or something crazy like that.  Good thing it’s a project that I just do while I watch TV…once again no rush!  I like that.

Keep Simply Delighting!

Another Wednesday WIP

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What have I been working on?  I have been working on granny squares!  I am making 6 inch and 3 inch grannys.  I have about 40 done, and I need many, many more.  Thankfully, they go quick.  I have to design my afghan yet, so I am not sure how many I need.  Overall, it’s a nice, fun, easy project to do while I watch TV.

This weekend I have to get moving on some quilting projects.  My goal is to at least get my Mom’s quilt basted.  And maybe some other projects cut.  Maybe with them cut, I’ll have more motivation to get sewing.  I’ve been low in the motivation area!!!

Linking up to Freshly Pieced WIP Wednesday.


Getting Back in the Groove!

Happy Sunday ya’ll!!!

I feel like I have been missing from my blog for a little while.  I have been busy!!  The holidays seemed to fly by with traveling and then having company.  It seems like there is always something to distract me (namely my new-found obsession with the show Duck Dynasty) from creating my quilting/crafting/sewing to do list!  The latest distraction is my sweet, beautiful new great-niece Jaidyn Mariah (better known as Baby J).  She was born on Wednesday, January 2 at 10:01 pm.  Baby J and her Mommy, my niece Emily are doing well.  I was able to meet Jaidyn yesterday and hold her, snuggle her, watch her sleep, snuggle her, soothe her…you get the point.  Needless to say, I am in love, and who wouldn’t be with this sweet face?

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I was telling her how much I am going to spoil her in this picture.

Today I finally got around to getting some things together that I had on my mental to do list from last year that I kept telling myself I would do in 2013.  Here are a few of the selected projects I am going to start to work on.

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I finally got the back fabric for my Mom’s queen size quilt.  I just need to piece the back and then baste it and quilt it.  FYI, I HATE BASTING.  However, I want to get this quilt done and off my list so it’s project #1.

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Here is a better, clearer picture of the back fabric.

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I also want to make some place mats and or a table runner for my dining room table.  These are some of the left overs from my Mom’s quilt that will be perfect for my kitchen/dining room area.  I am going to try to do a triangle pattern for the patchwork.  I have never done triangles before and also am going to work on my FMQ with this project.

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Remember that shortcake quilt I made for my Mom?  If not, you can see it here.  I am going to make another with the fabrics above.  I am hoping to give it to someone special in my family that I have been meaning to make a quilt for.

And….I am still working on my granny squares.

Oh, and, a big thank you to Debbie at A Quilter’s Table.  She is generously sending me some of her scraps to get me started on a scrap quilt.  Also, she put on her Facebook page a link to my Scraps post.  Thank you Debbie!!

As always, Keep Simply Delighting!

Slow Down Sundays!!

I don’t know about you, but I needed a day to slow down and just spend some time doing nothing or doing something low-key.  Today is that day.  I only have a few days left of my holiday vacation and I plan to enjoy them rest of them doing some things I have been wanting to do.  I feel like one of the reasons I started this blog was to take a step out of my busy life and enjoy something, whether it’s cooking, sewing, crocheting, reading etc.  Well, it’s a different kind of busy for me, but a busyness none the less. 

I made a rough list of some projects I want to do in 2013.  It’s a short list with only about 10 or so items.  I want to finish up a few things that are hanging over from 2012, and then I am going to start to do some skill building projects to expand my knowledge.  I am looking forward to that. 

Meanwhile, I hope to spend the day making some granny squares and watching either a movie, some DVR, or the Food Network, HGTV, or the like.  Here is what I am working with.

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Keep Simply Delighting!


2012 Wrap Up!

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Happy Holidays!  Above is a picture of the cornish hens my Mom made for Christmas dinner.  Aren’t they gorgeous?

I am enjoying some wonderful time off.  The company I work for closes during the week between Christmas and New Years as a benefit to their employees, so I am spending some well needed time just doing whatever I want.  I spent the Christmas holiday with my parents at their home, and they are currently in town on their way passing through to Florida for the winter.  This week my parents helped me hang curtains and pictures on my walls of my new place.  It finally looks homey and “together” here at home.

My Mom and I were talking about all the projects I have done this year.  In an attempt to wrap up this year, here is my list of projects for 2012.  Remember, I really only started “for real” quilting this year. 

1. My niece Leah’s quilt

2. My pink lap quilt

3. My Mom’s queen size quilt (top is done, working on the quilting now)–includes shams and 2  12×12 throw pillows

4. My niece Brianna’s quilt

5. My niece Gabby’s quilt (top is done-needs to be quilted)

6. My friend Melissa’s “Believe” quilt

7. My friend Chelsea’s lap quilt

8. My Mom’s Shortcake lap quilt

9. My Mom’s Christmas lap quilt

10. My great-nephew Parker’s quilt

11. My great-nephew Maxton’s quilt

12. My great-niece Baby J’s quilt

13. Several bibs and birth cloths for both Max and Baby J

14. A quilted bag for Baby J

15. My friend Pam’s quilt

16. My Americana quilt (top is done-need to quilt)

17. My Mom’s star quilt

18. The girl embroidery quilt my Mom and I collaborated on (needs to be quilted)

19. My Christmas quilt (top is done-needs to be quilted)

20. My Mom’s purse and sunglasses case

21. My Mom’s crochet hook case

22. 9 ruffle scarves

23. A friend from college lap quilt (top is done–needs to be quilted)

24. My friend Shannon’s lap quilt

WooWee….I think that’s it.  What a list.  As I was making it, I was shocked myself at how much I did.  12 finished quilts, and several others that are done and just need to be quilted.  Amazing. 

I am currently thinking about what projects I want to do this year.  I think I am going to be a bit more intentional about how/what I sew this year.  I am not going to buy any new fabric until my stash is gone.  There are a couple of projects that I want to try or work on…so you’ll see them coming! 

Thanks for making 2012 so great.

And always…always…Keep Simply Delighting!


Wonderful Wednesdays for WIP

Happy Wednesday ya’ll! 

Am I the only one that can’t believe that it’s almost Christmas?  We are down to less than a week…where does the time go?  I have not been so productive this week, but have had a lot of things on my plate.  I feel like my mind has been working non-stop.  I need to write all the things down that I have been thinking about, it’s overwhelming me. 

I am looking forward to having a few days to spend the day doing whatever I want…without having to have a deadline.  I will be at my parents house for Christmas, and it’s a great place to just veg out and do stuff.  I have about 4 ruffle scarves I want to make and will be able to get those done at my parents.  Also, I am planning to work on a granny square afghan for myself and I can get a good start on that at my parents. 

I am completely done with Christmas presents (as much as I can do) except for one last thing.  I want to make my Mom a checkbook cover.  I plan on using the fabric below which is from Moda’s Vintage Modern collection.

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Sorry the lighting in the picture is bad.  I need to get batteries for my camera and start using it instead of the camera on my cell phone.

Here is the updated WIP list for December, updates in green:

1. Finish Mom’s queen size quilt and shams-not done…won’t be til after Christmas now

2. 2 throw pillows to go with Mom’s quilt done

3. A couple special presents for my Mom (very small projects)All but one is done

4. Granny square challengeends today!  I made 12 squares!

5. 4 ruffle scarves-working on them over vacation!

Also, I am putting  a list together of the projects I want to complete over the next year and for January.  Additionally, I am going to put together a list of all the projects I completed for 2012.  It’s been a great first year of quilting and I feel so blessed to have learned and developed this skill and hobby.

Linking up to WIP Wednesday

As always, Keep Simply Delighting!

Wonderful Weekends!

It’s sad to say, but I live for the weekends.  I love having 2 days to just do whatever I want.  It’s glorious.  I love sleeping in and lounging around and making lists of projects to cross off when they are completed.  One of my friends and I share our to do lists to keep each other on track and she told me last time I sent her mine that she couldn’t even fathom a list that long and just reading it made her anxious!  In my defense, many of the things on my to do list are little items.  This weekend I was able to finish up a couple of things but added a few more.  All of them are Christmas related, of course.

Here is what I did:

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Made a ruffle scarf for a dear friend

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Made a ruffle scarf for a family Christmas present

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Finished my Mom’s purse.  Although it’s not a “hobo” style, I am pretty pleased with the outcome.

I have several more projects to finish up before the holiday.  Thankfully, where I work generously gives us a holiday break so I will be able to do some traveling to my parents for Christmas and then they will be down to visit on their way through to Florida for the winter.  This time always saddens me because I won’t be able to see them for 3 months.

I would be remise to also pay tribute to the little lives lost this past week in the terrible tragedy in Connecticut.  I pray for the families and this nation.  Lord Jesus, we need you now more than ever. 

Keep Simply Delighting!