Fall Weekends!

I love fall.  It’s my favorite time of year.  Here in Ohio it has been getting cooler and it’s definitely turning into sweatshirt and sock weather.  I love it.  This weekend I did a little sewing, not a lot but some.  Yesterday I made Baby J some more things, and at this point, I think I am done making her stuff except the 2 quilts I have in the works.  Today, I finished up the quilt top for my friend, except for the border pieces (which I don’t have the fabric), and sewed a few blocks for my Winterscape quilt.  Take a look:


This is made with Crazy Daisy by Benartex.

I have also been hand quilting a baby quilt panel my Mom had in her stash of unfinished stuff.  Slowly but surely….

Have a spectacular week!

Keep Simply Delighting!


Random Update

I just felt like I should just say…Simply Delighting has 41 followers now!!  While that is no where near what some other blogs have, that is a lot to me.  Thank you to all of you who follow and read and comment and follow me on Twitter.  I just feel so overwhelmingly blessed. 

And here’s a funny random story for you.  So…my Mom had this new laptop that she’s probably used about 10 times, if that.  I signed her up as one of the first followers of Simply Delighting…thinking it would be much easier for her to follow my blog if the updates came to her email.  Well…since she never gets on her computer, she has like 100 emails to read at one time. 

So…the other day she decided to tackle this job of trying to sign on to her email.  She has about zero patience for that machine and her internet.  Of course, the first email she reads is about how I said she has unfinished projects that she passes on to me.  We were talking on the phone and she said, “thanks for letting everyone know that you get your knack for unfinished items from me, you brat.”  We just laughed. 

So there is a funny about my Mom, and Mom, if you are reading this, I hope you are working on that one unfinished project that you have to have done by Oct!

Happy Friday!

Keep Simply Delighting! 

WIP Wednesday

Happy Wednesday!  I don’t have much to share, except my WIP project.  I have had a busy week with other things that has kept me from sewing.  So…here is this weeks update, in orange:

September’s WIP List

1. Baby J’s Hand quilted quilt I am half done with the quilting

2. Baby J’s special project Finished!

3. Mom’s star quilt top Finished

4. My college friend’s quilt top (at least) no progress

5. My Winterscape quilt top no progress

6. Americana Quilt 1 no progress

7. Americana Quilt 2 top no progress

8. Cut hexagons no progress

Keep Simply Delighting!

Playing Catch Up!

I know it’s been a while since I’ve blogged.  So much has been going on!  I am taking a class through work online and that seems to have been taking up a lot of my time.  And, Gladys came home and so I was so eager to get sewing, well…I just have been neglecting Simply Delighting.  At any rate, I hope to post an update of August projects and my September WIP list…but not before sharing what I have been working on!

When I was at my parents for Labor Day, my Mom dug through her craft stuff and she found a bunch of unfinished projects (wonder where I get it..hmmmm).  This is one that she had finished but didn’t do anything with.  She was going to make pillows out of this block (and the other 8 she had), but never got around to it.  I quickly snatched it up from her and said…I can make a throw quilt with that!  So…it now has become my unfinished project.  If my computer wasn’t acting bad, I would post a picture of the finished quilt top.  I will do it tomorrow from work where my internet is stronger.  My Mom is going to buy the batting and back fabric and when I am there next time we are going to quilt it up and bind it. 

Now….on to some housekeeping details:

My August WIP list-Final Update

1. Brianna’s quilt. DONE!

2. Shortcake quilt. DONE!

3. My Americana charm pack quilt (at least the top) Top is done, I have the border and back fabric.

4.  Sweet Shoppe and Calico Candies charm pack quilt (at least the top) DONE!

5. My Mom’s quilt.  No progress

6. Gabby’s quilt.  No progress

7. My Mom’s Christmas charm pack quilt top DONE!

8. My Christmas charm pack quilt top. No progress yet

9. Start cutting some hexagons for my hexagon quilt. I have the hexagon template, I just have to pick out the fabric! Moving to Sept WIP list.

10. Work on my difficult Americana quilt that I keep putting off because I am such a whimp and it’s too hard and I am scared to take it. No progress yet Moving to Sept WIP list.

11. Practice free motion quilting with some easy peasy projects like pot holders etc.  Moving to Sept WIP list!

12.  I also completed several Baby J items!

September’s WIP List

1. Baby J’s Hand quilted quilt

2. Baby J’s special project

3. Mom’s star quilt top

4. My college friend’s quilt top (at least)

5. My Winterscape quilt top

6. Americana Quilt 1

7. Americana Quilt 2 top

8. Cut hexagons

That’s all for now.  I am sure that I will add some additional projects.  I feel good about August.  I finished 4 quilts completely!

Keep Simply Delighting!

She’s home!

I know that it’s been a week or so since I have posted anything, but I have been busy and missing my dear sewing machine, Gladys.  I am happy to report that I received the call today that she was ready to come home today.  I promptly hurried over to the sewing machine repair shop after work to pick her up!  She just needed a good cleaning and oiling.  And…it was all covered under warranty!  Yay!  So…tomorrow I will be posting a great post on what’s been going on in my creative work (and some highlights of harvesting veggies at my Mom’s) and updating the August WIP list and announcing the September WIP list.  Stay tuned, it promises to be a great post!

Welcome home Gladys, I’ve missed you!

Keep Simply Delighting!