Wonderful Weekends!

Whew!  What a weekend!  It has been so wonderful.

Yesterday I spend the afternoon with my 2 brothers and sister’s families.  Everyone was able to meet Baby Jaidyn and Baby Maxton!  They are about 6 weeks apart and it was such a lovely time.  On top of the little babies, my other nieces and nephews were there as well.  I left feeling so blessed.

Today, I finished my Mom’s queen size quilt.  I spend the majority of the day in my dining room sewing studio.  By far, the part of quilting I loathe the most is basting.  On a quilt that size, it’s so difficult to maneuver and make sure that it’s all smooth and flat and perfect.  I quilted it by stitching in the ditch.  I used my Robert Kaufman quilting calculator smart phone app to find the amount of binding.  It was quick and easy and exactly right.  Most of the time I overestimate the amount of binding I need and have extra.  This time, There was barely any leftover.  Perfect way to save fabric and time.  I love that app!

Here is how it turned out:

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2013-01-20 16.27.45

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Notice the glowing eyes in the background?  That’s Milly, watching my every move…she wanted to lay on it as I was basting it on my living room sewing studio floor.

Since I have tomorrow off for MLK day, I plan on finishing up the shams that go with the quilt, and then working on cutting some fabric for a few other quilts, including my #scrappytripalong.  I have come up with a running list of projects for this year as well and I will be sharing them soon.

Keep Simply Delighting!!!

Getting Back in the Groove!

Happy Sunday ya’ll!!!

I feel like I have been missing from my blog for a little while.  I have been busy!!  The holidays seemed to fly by with traveling and then having company.  It seems like there is always something to distract me (namely my new-found obsession with the show Duck Dynasty) from creating my quilting/crafting/sewing to do list!  The latest distraction is my sweet, beautiful new great-niece Jaidyn Mariah (better known as Baby J).  She was born on Wednesday, January 2 at 10:01 pm.  Baby J and her Mommy, my niece Emily are doing well.  I was able to meet Jaidyn yesterday and hold her, snuggle her, watch her sleep, snuggle her, soothe her…you get the point.  Needless to say, I am in love, and who wouldn’t be with this sweet face?

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I was telling her how much I am going to spoil her in this picture.

Today I finally got around to getting some things together that I had on my mental to do list from last year that I kept telling myself I would do in 2013.  Here are a few of the selected projects I am going to start to work on.

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I finally got the back fabric for my Mom’s queen size quilt.  I just need to piece the back and then baste it and quilt it.  FYI, I HATE BASTING.  However, I want to get this quilt done and off my list so it’s project #1.

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Here is a better, clearer picture of the back fabric.

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I also want to make some place mats and or a table runner for my dining room table.  These are some of the left overs from my Mom’s quilt that will be perfect for my kitchen/dining room area.  I am going to try to do a triangle pattern for the patchwork.  I have never done triangles before and also am going to work on my FMQ with this project.

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Remember that shortcake quilt I made for my Mom?  If not, you can see it here.  I am going to make another with the fabrics above.  I am hoping to give it to someone special in my family that I have been meaning to make a quilt for.

And….I am still working on my granny squares.

Oh, and, a big thank you to Debbie at A Quilter’s Table.  She is generously sending me some of her scraps to get me started on a scrap quilt.  Also, she put on her Facebook page a link to my Scraps post.  Thank you Debbie!!

As always, Keep Simply Delighting!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! 

My new year is starting out very low-key.  I am making a nice pot of chicken tortilla soup (which I will post the recipe later), some more granny squares, and Michigan football bowl game.  For me, it doesn’t get any better.  Tomorrow is back to work, so I am squeezing every single second out of this last day off!

I thought though, that I would share 2 things that made me very happy this week, along with making me feel very loved and cherished. 

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This was a Christmas present from my sister-in-law.  I love it!  I had been wanting a mug this size, and it was just perfect.  Funny thing, she didn’t even know I wanted one. 

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While my parents where here, we decorated my new place.  I had this big wall in my bedroom and my Mom suggested awhile ago (at my last place) that I hang the baby blanket she made me many many years go.  This gave me the perfect wall and opportunity to do just that.  I know the pictures do not show the detail but it is completely embroidered.  Every day when I wake up I face this blanket and it just warms my heart.  It is among my most cherished possessions.

Ok, I am off to get my soup started and get settled in for the game!  Let’s GO BLUE!

Keep Simply Delighting!


2012 Wrap Up!

2012-12-25 17.11.11

Happy Holidays!  Above is a picture of the cornish hens my Mom made for Christmas dinner.  Aren’t they gorgeous?

I am enjoying some wonderful time off.  The company I work for closes during the week between Christmas and New Years as a benefit to their employees, so I am spending some well needed time just doing whatever I want.  I spent the Christmas holiday with my parents at their home, and they are currently in town on their way passing through to Florida for the winter.  This week my parents helped me hang curtains and pictures on my walls of my new place.  It finally looks homey and “together” here at home.

My Mom and I were talking about all the projects I have done this year.  In an attempt to wrap up this year, here is my list of projects for 2012.  Remember, I really only started “for real” quilting this year. 

1. My niece Leah’s quilt

2. My pink lap quilt

3. My Mom’s queen size quilt (top is done, working on the quilting now)–includes shams and 2  12×12 throw pillows

4. My niece Brianna’s quilt

5. My niece Gabby’s quilt (top is done-needs to be quilted)

6. My friend Melissa’s “Believe” quilt

7. My friend Chelsea’s lap quilt

8. My Mom’s Shortcake lap quilt

9. My Mom’s Christmas lap quilt

10. My great-nephew Parker’s quilt

11. My great-nephew Maxton’s quilt

12. My great-niece Baby J’s quilt

13. Several bibs and birth cloths for both Max and Baby J

14. A quilted bag for Baby J

15. My friend Pam’s quilt

16. My Americana quilt (top is done-need to quilt)

17. My Mom’s star quilt

18. The girl embroidery quilt my Mom and I collaborated on (needs to be quilted)

19. My Christmas quilt (top is done-needs to be quilted)

20. My Mom’s purse and sunglasses case

21. My Mom’s crochet hook case

22. 9 ruffle scarves

23. A friend from college lap quilt (top is done–needs to be quilted)

24. My friend Shannon’s lap quilt

WooWee….I think that’s it.  What a list.  As I was making it, I was shocked myself at how much I did.  12 finished quilts, and several others that are done and just need to be quilted.  Amazing. 

I am currently thinking about what projects I want to do this year.  I think I am going to be a bit more intentional about how/what I sew this year.  I am not going to buy any new fabric until my stash is gone.  There are a couple of projects that I want to try or work on…so you’ll see them coming! 

Thanks for making 2012 so great.

And always…always…Keep Simply Delighting!


WIP Update

So it’s been a while since I have updated my WIP list for November.  So…here goes–updates in green!

November WIP List

1. Baby J’s hand quilted quilt-Finished and given to Baby J’s Mama!

2. Baby J’s quilt from her GMama.  My sister crossed stitched a baby quilt for Baby J, and she needs me to quilt and bind it.-Finished and given to Baby J’s Mama

3. My Americana quilt-baste, quilt and bind-No progress

4. Scrappy Quilt for me-Change in plans–I turned my king size quilt top into a throw top and this became my scrappy quilt, which is now done and being used. 

5. Mom’s bed quilt-baste, quilt and bind-This has become a Christmas project

6. Mom’s star quilt-baste, quilt and bind-No progress

7. Mom’s special embroidery quilt-baste, quilt and bind-This quilt top is done and the back piece is done, as is the binding.  I just have to baste, quilt and bind it–this weekend it will be done!

Here are some pictures of the special embroidery quilt:

My Mom did the embroidery on the girl pictures and I did the blocks in between and then assembled the quilt top.  I will post pictures when it is finished, and also of my scrappy replacement quilt.

Until then,

Keep Simply Delighting!

Fall Weekends!

I love fall.  It’s my favorite time of year.  Here in Ohio it has been getting cooler and it’s definitely turning into sweatshirt and sock weather.  I love it.  This weekend I did a little sewing, not a lot but some.  Yesterday I made Baby J some more things, and at this point, I think I am done making her stuff except the 2 quilts I have in the works.  Today, I finished up the quilt top for my friend, except for the border pieces (which I don’t have the fabric), and sewed a few blocks for my Winterscape quilt.  Take a look:


This is made with Crazy Daisy by Benartex.

I have also been hand quilting a baby quilt panel my Mom had in her stash of unfinished stuff.  Slowly but surely….

Have a spectacular week!

Keep Simply Delighting!


WIP Wednesday

Happy Wednesday!  I don’t have much to share, except my WIP project.  I have had a busy week with other things that has kept me from sewing.  So…here is this weeks update, in orange:

September’s WIP List

1. Baby J’s Hand quilted quilt I am half done with the quilting

2. Baby J’s special project Finished!

3. Mom’s star quilt top Finished

4. My college friend’s quilt top (at least) no progress

5. My Winterscape quilt top no progress

6. Americana Quilt 1 no progress

7. Americana Quilt 2 top no progress

8. Cut hexagons no progress

Keep Simply Delighting!

Playing Catch Up!

I know it’s been a while since I’ve blogged.  So much has been going on!  I am taking a class through work online and that seems to have been taking up a lot of my time.  And, Gladys came home and so I was so eager to get sewing, well…I just have been neglecting Simply Delighting.  At any rate, I hope to post an update of August projects and my September WIP list…but not before sharing what I have been working on!

When I was at my parents for Labor Day, my Mom dug through her craft stuff and she found a bunch of unfinished projects (wonder where I get it..hmmmm).  This is one that she had finished but didn’t do anything with.  She was going to make pillows out of this block (and the other 8 she had), but never got around to it.  I quickly snatched it up from her and said…I can make a throw quilt with that!  So…it now has become my unfinished project.  If my computer wasn’t acting bad, I would post a picture of the finished quilt top.  I will do it tomorrow from work where my internet is stronger.  My Mom is going to buy the batting and back fabric and when I am there next time we are going to quilt it up and bind it. 

Now….on to some housekeeping details:

My August WIP list-Final Update

1. Brianna’s quilt. DONE!

2. Shortcake quilt. DONE!

3. My Americana charm pack quilt (at least the top) Top is done, I have the border and back fabric.

4.  Sweet Shoppe and Calico Candies charm pack quilt (at least the top) DONE!

5. My Mom’s quilt.  No progress

6. Gabby’s quilt.  No progress

7. My Mom’s Christmas charm pack quilt top DONE!

8. My Christmas charm pack quilt top. No progress yet

9. Start cutting some hexagons for my hexagon quilt. I have the hexagon template, I just have to pick out the fabric! Moving to Sept WIP list.

10. Work on my difficult Americana quilt that I keep putting off because I am such a whimp and it’s too hard and I am scared to take it. No progress yet Moving to Sept WIP list.

11. Practice free motion quilting with some easy peasy projects like pot holders etc.  Moving to Sept WIP list!

12.  I also completed several Baby J items!

September’s WIP List

1. Baby J’s Hand quilted quilt

2. Baby J’s special project

3. Mom’s star quilt top

4. My college friend’s quilt top (at least)

5. My Winterscape quilt top

6. Americana Quilt 1

7. Americana Quilt 2 top

8. Cut hexagons

That’s all for now.  I am sure that I will add some additional projects.  I feel good about August.  I finished 4 quilts completely!

Keep Simply Delighting!

What I could be working on…

So since I can’t sew or quilt, I decided to look through my project box at all the things I could be working on.  Some would say why torture yourself, but for me, I love making lists, and somehow making lists makes me feel productive, so…well, you get the point.  Here are some of the projects on the list for the Fall. 

This is the pattern for Baby J’s quilt.  It’s from McCall’s Quick Quilts Oct/Nov 2012 edition. 

I love it!

This is my Mom’s Yuletide by Benartex throw.  I have it almost finished, just need

to sew the front side of the binding.  I love how it turned out.

The back fabric.  It is so elegant and perfect.  I hope she loves it.

The front.  Almost done.

Here are some aqua and red fat quarters I want use to make a throw quilt.

The fat quarters for the Americana quilt I have been procrastinating on

My Vintage Modern by Bonnie and Camille for Moda charm pack. 

I am making my sister-in-law, Anissa, a throw with this collection.

Wiscasset by Moda honey bun…I have this awesome pattern for a throw quilt for this.

Simple Abundance by Moda honey bun…yet another throw in progress

The border fabric and back fabric for my Americana throw.

My Winterscapes by Benartex throw that I am making, exactly like my Mom’s Yuletide throw.

Some fabric for a special project for Baby J



A throw for a friend I am working on

So, as you can see, I have a lot of projects started, not to mention the ones on the WIP list for August to finish.  I can’t wait to bring Gladys home and get busy!

Have a super week and…

Keep Simply Delighting!

Baby J’s Quilt

I love how God works.  I was sitting her feeling sad because I can’t quilt or sew, and so I decided to research and look for some fabric for my beloved Baby J’s quilt.  I found the pattern of the quilt I want to make for her in one of the recent quilting magazines I subscribe to, but hadn’t found the right fabrics.  It has been an ongoing quest for me.  I just wanted to find the perfect fabric.  Well, I found it…and it’s not even out yet.  It will be out in October.  But…here is a sneak peak. 

The collection is call the Zig Zag Zoo by Laura Berringer for Marcus Brothers Fabrics.  It’s flannel too, which will be perfect because Baby J is due in January!  I need to find 2 more flannel fabrics to complete the list of fabrics, but I am so happy to say this is the fabric.  I love it.

Thank you Lord, you always are on time!