Another Wednesday

It’s another Wednesday.  And what I have to show you is this:

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I love Moda Fabrics.  And these are some additional fabrics I needed to complete my Jubilee 16 patch project I talked about here.  I love this line of fabrics.  They are a combination of all of my favorite colors.

Here is another photo just for fun:

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I love how a jelly roll looks before it’s opened.  So marvelous.

So, the few things I am working on:

1. #scrappytripalong

2. Moda Jubilee 16 patch

3. hexagons (if I ever start sewing)

4.basting, quilting, and binding Gabby’s quilt.

Linking up to Freshly Pieced.

Keep Simply Delighting!

Wednesday’s WIP Update!

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Last night I began cutting strips for my #scrappytripalong quilt.  I started one this weekend with a Moda honey bun (that is 1 inch strips).  I am still planning on making a 2 inch quilt too.  Soooo, last night I started cutting strips.  I want to get all the strips cut from the fabric I have thus far, and then start sewing.  I am not sure how many strips I have, but I am really excited about the fabric and how it’s going to turn out!  Here is a picture of my stack of strips:

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I still have a lot of fabric to cut yet, and this stack isn’t cut into the 16 inch strips, just 2 1/2 inch strips of varied lengths.  I can’t wait to get them all cut so I can see what I have.

Also, I found a really awesome other scrappy quilt that I want to make over at Quilting and Other Craft Therapy.  It’s a string block quilt, and I know I have a lot of string strips!  Also, I have been inspired to start looking for a used in good condition more advanced sewing machine.  Mine just doesn’t have the capabilities that I need or want.

So, here are my projects I am working on:

*Moda honey bun #scrappyquiltalong quilt

*#scrappyquiltalong quilt

*My Mom’s queen size quilt

*Granny square project.

That’s it!  I am linking up to Freshly Pieced.

As always, keep Simply Delighting!

Another Wednesday WIP

2013-01-08 18.07.41

What have I been working on?  I have been working on granny squares!  I am making 6 inch and 3 inch grannys.  I have about 40 done, and I need many, many more.  Thankfully, they go quick.  I have to design my afghan yet, so I am not sure how many I need.  Overall, it’s a nice, fun, easy project to do while I watch TV.

This weekend I have to get moving on some quilting projects.  My goal is to at least get my Mom’s quilt basted.  And maybe some other projects cut.  Maybe with them cut, I’ll have more motivation to get sewing.  I’ve been low in the motivation area!!!

Linking up to Freshly Pieced WIP Wednesday.