More Scraps on Monday!

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More of my #scrappytripalong.  I am loving making these blocks and loving playing around with placement.  I also am enjoying figuring out how to fully use my camera (yes I got some batteries!).  I have a couple more blocks to make to complete this quilt, but I think I am going to make all the blocks I have cut and then put them into 2 quilts.  Meanwhile, I am enjoying the process…which is what I wanted to do!

Linking up to Plum and June.

Keep Simply Delighting!!

Strips are cut!

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Yesterday, I finished cutting the 2 1/2 in strips from my stash/scraps into 16 inch lengths for my #scrappytripalong quilt.   All together, I have 241 strips!!!!  That’s enough to make over 40 blocks.  But I love this pattern and I love scrappy quilts so I might make a couple from my strips.  Or…I may just make it big enough for my bed, which is a queen.  I know I said just last week that I will never make queen size quilt again, but, we will see.

Today, I am going to spend the day catching up on my reading (and maybe DVR…we’ll see).  I subscribe to several magazines and I need to get them read and ready to pass on.  My Mom and I swap magazines.  The only ones I don’t pass on are my quilting ones.  Although, I am thinking about letting some of them go as well, as I feel like there isn’t a lot of quilts I have made from the magazines I have and with all the blogs I subscribe to, well…I have MORE than enough inspiration.  Here is the stack I have to read today.

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On a side note, here are my reading companions for the day.  I couldn’t resist snapping a quick picture with my phone.

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And one more thing.  I downloaded to my phone this cool app called Photo Grid.  You can take your photos and make them into a mosaic.  I have been having fun doing that with all my different pictures on my phone.  Here is one of some of the quilts I made last year.


They are across the top left to right:

1.My Mom’s winterscape quilt

2.Pam’s Calico Candies and Sweet Shoppe quilt

3.Brianna’s quilt

4.Shortcake quilt

5.Shannon’s Tuxedo quilt

6.Maxton’s baby quilt

7.Chelsea’s quilt

8.Gabby quilt

9.My Pink quilt

Linking up with Plum and June.

Keep Simply Delighting!



Scrappy Strips!

I was trying to figure out what I finished this week…

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Does it count that I finished cutting my scraps into 2 1/2 inch strips for my #scrappytripalong?  I have to cut them into 16 inch strips and then start sewing, but at least I can put my scraps away.  I can’t wait to start sewing the blocks.

Linking up to Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Crazy Mom Quilts, and TGIFF!!

Keep Simply Delighting!


Love in the Mail!

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Don’t you just love getting stuff in the mail???  I know I do.  And this week, I received two great packages.  First was a pack of scraps from Pink Chalk Fabrics.  Debbie from A Quilter’s Table recommend to check them out for scrap packs, and I did.  I was not disappointed when I received my pack from them!!!  It was very reasonable and there was a lot of fabric in the pack and they are beautiful.

Today, I received a package from Debbie herself with 2 ziploc bags full of fabric scraps!  I feel so blessed.  What a generous package of scraps to work with on my #scrappytripalong quilt.  Thank you Debbie for being so thoughtful.

Also, I feel like I have been having a creative block because I just can’t get together an idea of what I want to do quilting wise this year.  Nothing seems appealing, except the scrappytripalong.  I realized this morning–everything I had been working on the last quarter of 2012 was in rush mode.  I was so busy from October on that I never had a chance to enjoy the process or time I spend quilting.  Well…I decided this morning that even if it takes a year to do a scrappy quilt, or a month to quilt up my Mom’s quilt, I am just going to enjoy the time.  So…I am going to get a bunch of projects cut and then start working on them.  There are no deadlines to get things done (so far) and I want to slow down and enjoy something I started as a hobby, but then turned it into what I do with everything else…hurry hurry rush rush get it done so I can move on to the next thing.

On a side note, I did figure out how/what I am going to do with my granny squares.  I have the project drawn out and know how many granny squares I need…like 420 or something crazy like that.  Good thing it’s a project that I just do while I watch TV…once again no rush!  I like that.

Keep Simply Delighting!