Starting over

Well, after almost 2 years, I have decided to start blogging again.  This is the 2nd time I have come back to blogging, but this time I am not going to put as much pressure on myself to blog or link to other sites…I am just going to share my projects and see where it takes me.

The last 2 years have been quite adventurous and crazy…and I am looking forward to getting back into my hobbies and finding some down time in the process of creation.  I am still going to post about quilting, cooking, crafting, etc…and whatever else my heart is lead to post.

The first order of business, which I think I might tackle tomorrow, is to clean up this cabinet:


As you can see, this is my fabric stash….my unorganized fabric stash.  I have lots of WIPs in there, but how many and what they are, I have no idea (more like I can’t remember).  I am going to sort it out, look at what fabrics I have and get a list together of projects to finish and projects that I want to make.  Baby steps.  That’s what I call it.  Baby steps.

It feels good to be back.

Keep Simply Delighting!